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Mexican food "botanero"

Mexican food Hello. In our blog you were finding a small review it brings over of a Mexican plate known as Botanero you can find it in colombia, we it have consumed in the restaurant "Guadalupe" this one it is located in different points of the city as bello and Belen. It is a delicious plate, besides this every person can arm it to his taste of the following way: you can choose toasts or in tortilla of maize you prop can put cheese, refried bean, guacamole, chicken, meat, vegetables, chili to your taste. The restaurant guadalupe his environment is colouring and agreeable since it is typical in Mexico, in every restaurant you were finding an image of the virgin of Guadalupe doing allusion to the name of the restaurant.  For us the "botanero" is our favorite plate because we can create our own plate, his ingredients are fresh and of very good flavor. The quantity of the ingredients is adapted for a maximum of 3 persons, where they all remain sa
Que lo que ha aprendido el alumno no se pueda averiguar haciéndolo repetir sino aplicándolo a casos nuevos. Que lo único que sirve es el saber que se hace realmente nuestro, no el que se tiene en la boca listo para recitarlo y lucirse con él. Que nada sirva la teoría sin la práctica, el conocimiento sin aplicación.  Miguel de Montaigne